
UX Product Design and branding

Preventing TBI in sports – STRIKE


UX Design
Product Design

Strike is a device that protects the brain against repeated blows and analyzes your fitness statistics to give you a bird’s-eye view of how far you’ve come.

We identify data patterns unique to your exercise activity, highlighting what works best for you.

What We Achieved

We Achieved

10% of all college players and 20% of all high school players sustain brain injuries
Up to 86% of athletes that suffer a concussion will experience PTM.
Football injuries associated with the brain occur at the rate of 1 in every five games

Problem faced

Helmets and other athletic equipment are meant to protect the head from hits. This does not, however, prevent the brain from rapidly accelerating and decelerating, causing the twisting and ripping of neurons and traumatic brain damage (TBIs). Repetitive head hits, as well as smaller impacts known as concussive strikes, have been shown to cause structural changes in an athlete's brain. Coaches and athletes also struggle with getting analysis with one eye focused on how lessons from the past can impact positively on future performances.


Strike is a device that protects the brain against repeated blows and analyzes your fitness statistics to give you a bird’s-eye view of how far you’ve come. We identify data patterns unique to your exercise activity, highlighting what works best for you. Helping you track heart rate, calorie-burning, and energy output throughout the entire practice or game.

Strike is a device that protects the brain against repeated blows and analyzes your fitness statistics to give you a bird’s-eye view of how far you’ve come.
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