
UX Product Design

Homepage and landing pages for APP (Apple Premium Partners)

Optimize landing pages and the current APP homepage to increase customer engagement and drive conversion

UX Design
Product Design

While working at Apple, one of the key projects I contributed to involved designing a new homepage for Apple Premium Partners (APPs) and creating landing pages with specific content blocks to enhance customer engagement and drive conversions. This was part of a broader range of responsibilities I managed. By simplifying the design and navigation, integrating customer reviews and ratings, and developing targeted content blocks, I succeeded in crafting a seamless user experience that built trust and encouraged user interaction. This project has now successfully scaled to 10+ markets and countries, leading to increased customer engagement and significantly higher conversion rates, thereby helping the APPs achieve their business objectives.

What We Achieved

We Achieved

UX Product Design
UX Product Design
UX Product Design
UX Product Design
UX Product Design
UX Product DesignUX Product Design

I spiced up the homepage design by adding three new conversion modules that make it more active and conversational. I also added more APP containers and increased the character count to provide more detailed information.

To enhance the shopping experience, the LOB stripe was given a fresh e-commerce makeover with clear pricing and affordability information.

And the cherry on top - the content is now responsive and scalable across devices, providing a seamless experience for users.

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